I'm lucky enough to have found some really special souls who, like me, love to create, make, organise and are the kind of people who jump up and just say yes to things. In October, I created some artwork for the first ever 'Takeaway Art Fair', held in Kensington in an old abandoned Fish and Chip shop (hence the name). The event was organised by a dear friend of mine - Ruby Horton, and made possible by her army of loyal friends, who volunteered their time to help turn the abandoned space (Ruby's parents own but the space had been lying derelict for some years) into an incredible gallery for the afternoon, complete with bar, beer garden, food stalls, and a stage for bands. This woman will achieve blooming anything she sets her stubborn lil' ol' mind to. All proceeds from the door, artist entry, bar and food went to Oznam, and a silent auction took place for all artwork (with artists keeping all earnings from the auction).
After the success that was the first TakeAway Art Fair, Ruby got in contact with me to see if I'd be interested in helping co-organise the second event! This coming event will take place Thursday 5th of December, and is our Christmas market edition. It'll feature mini stalls with a range of established and up and coming makers and artists, along with our gallery space of artworks all for sale. Aimed more at the local Kensington community this time round, we'll have a kid focused afternoon from 3.30 - 5pm, with face paints, crafts and our very own Santa to snap a polaroid pic with. Our bar will of course be open, and supplying all the usual goods; cocktails, beers, soft drinks and icy poles! The hope is for TakeAway to slowly become a place for up and coming makers, artists and musicians to preform and sell their wares, eat great food, and to create a sense of community around this.